RIP Porkchop "Piglet" P., 2006-2011
The Best Guinea Pig that Ever Lived
The Star Syndicate Newgrounds blog will no longer be centered around guinea pigs. I know several of you will be happy to hear that, but for the rest of us, it has been a sad and dark moment of our lives. Porkchop was a good friend of ours and was well-known for having the record number of Turd of the Week awards back in '06 or so. The so called "TOTW King of the Portal" spearheaded the Star Syndicate's mass-voting efforts, a term coined by Porkchop as well. Porkchop was the mastermind behind such Flash hits as -=OMG HALO!=- and -=Alien Hominid Tribute=- and worked to unite the efforts of the Star Syndicate and the UCFD. We have lost not only a guinea pig, but a brilliant artist and a fiercely loyal friend who never once betrayed us.
Go in peace,
You may have SOME bad flashes, but I feel really sorry for you. ;(
I remember when my 2 gerbils died. Cookie and Chocolate. (that's seriously their names) ;(