Shut the fuck up star syndifuck, your movies suck and alls you do is get people to vote 5. You've been doing this for over 2 years, get a fuckin life and good at flash. Its just shit over and over. Yes i'm being rude, because your movies blow balls.

Age 35, Male



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I agree with EvilSeed personally but if this means that we both don't get it then please, some one go ahead and explain this one to me. You guys are obviously too deep for me.

As far as I'm concerned with this never ending argument, anyone who drops entertainment value to make an artistic statement is obviously so far up their own arse that they could choke on their own head.

lmfao an artistic statement? the only statement i saw there was "why make jokes about videogames that only a certain group of nerdy people will understand?" just look at tom's post to understand the general sentiment on the site right now: newgrounds needs more original collabs that DONT JUST FOCUS ON VIDEOGAMES

One day Ill be famous
Then youll all see

hell yehhhh B)

It probably has more to do with who submitted it than the quality of the pieces. Sad but true.

you're absolutely right

What Alternate collab?

metal gear funnies

the first one was funny
then it was just the same joke again and again =/

also WHAT THE HELL- this was made before that collab even came out

i voted 0 on both.


i think dat tapir_cunnilingus.gif is not gettin da love it deserves ):

hahaha that was my favorite part

i voted zero on the official and five on the alternate

I just realized that if I squirt diarrhea onto my computer monitor it ends up being better than both of these collabs combined! VOTE 5

ye pretty much

"No one cares about good story, or good art. (or at least I don't)?"

O dear. That's so pathetic and sad. dlkfj Why did I go back and read this?

i liked both, the alternate was funnier tho, much because of the wikipedia articles explaining the jokes

I was involved in that official collab and I sure gotta say it had too many cock jokes and such, otherwise it was great.

For the "alternate" one I stopped watching it halfway through, I already got the point what they were trying to do with it. (No offense for those who like it/were involved in it)

thats what i think most people are doing. watching half of it then Xing out. thats bullshit, a lot of quality parts come after the halfway point

The artistic statement bit I said before was aimed towards that group of artists in general. There's that constant arguement made that all their brilliant and original pieces would never be appreciated here and it's bullshit. If something is truly entertaining it will capture an audience, just look at "Brackenwood" and "The Story of Khale".

I love to see original pieces, but if there just out there to be cool and alternative rather than any bit entertaining, I'm sorry, that's not good animation.

I don't want to be taken the wrong way either, my first paragraph does seem like an attack on those artists but I actually like the good pieces I've seen from them here. What I get irritated most by is (and I'm sorry I gotta use a name) artists like Gerkinman, putting others down and saying what it is to be an animator when his pieces are a clear example of what I was decribing before.

There's enough people on here that follow the ways of rtil so I don't see why these people don't just drop all the moaning and produce pieces to appeal to their own crowd, rather than worry about what EVERYBODY thinks. No ones getting paid for the animations here so no one really has the right to tell the artist what to do.

"There's that constant arguement made that all their brilliant and original pieces would never be appreciated here and it's bullshit. If something is truly entertaining it will capture an audience, just look at "Brackenwood" and "The Story of Khale""

who makes this argument? i mean obviously if you make something with professional looking animation like adam phillips, people will like it. but the alternate collab guys already knew that. rtil made fuckin metropolis circuit. that thing was unreal, an insane amount of work. and he earned proper recognition for it.

i really dont get why so many people equate criticizing another's work with tooting your own horn. just because you think someone is overrated doesn't mean you find yourself underrated. did you ever think they might not be taking any of this seriously at all, and are just having a little stupid fun enraging an audience chock full of 13 yr old easily-angered game-obsessed nerdy idiots?

i mean really, look at the hundreds of hilariously stupid abusive reviews pouring in and tell me it doesn't prove the flash's point

Could this be the most skewed argument on the site?

Here's the real deal:

One is an homage to a game.

The other is a personal attack at a specific group of people. No matter how it is argued, the submission is filled with purposely bad, and not the good bad, the BAD bad, horribly skewed renditions of what NG contains.

Now do the scores make sense?

again, another fool who can't see outside of his self imposed pro-videogame pro-anime pro-nerd mindset.

which specific group of people are we talking about here? the staff members that made the official collab? because if thats who you're talking about, they actually enjoyed the alternate collab, just read their reviews.

the official is not an homage. it is a parody. the alternate is not an attack. it is a satire.

Plenty of people have made this arguement and if it is to just enrage the young audiences why do the scores above shock you?

they dont surprise me. its just funny, considering the collabs are practically identical

"which specific group of people are we talking about here?"

I think the very end of the last clip of the Funnies satire says all. You know, that little slip of paper? Read it.

so because kirbopher and alvin earthworm's names are on a slip of paper, its a personal attack?


I watched both and I can see where people are getting their opinions of things. I mean the cock jokes are so.. so.. so overused, people seem to think its cruise control to 5 or something and it is just...tasteless. I suppose thats what the majority of people on newgrounds want to see, but I think it needs to be tuned down a little. I personally couldnt watch the alternate collab all the way through, Yes I know apparently the best parts come after, but all I need to say is this, you should organize your flash in such a way that the first few pull in the audience and keep the interested, what do you expect when you put refuse on your door step? not much people are gunna come up and knock on your door. Its just common sense. I would also like to point out that I realize it wasn't even planned as front page material, but you'll never know, so why not take steps to prep it just in case? Over all I try to be fair in my reveiws of the numerous flash, games and audio on this site and have been a member for a long time. I grade based off the fundemental, graphics, sound, smooth animation, and of course substance: joke quality, plot, acting etc. Both had some good and some very bad aspects.

I would also like to take this oppurtunity to point out how useless people like to say "stfu noob" and "gay shit" etc. When they veiw flash they don't understand or enjoy. If you think negatively about a peice say WHY and not just wave your e-peen around. Maybe if you were constructive in your criticism you might see improvements. And stop calling reveiws useless when they aren't what you want to hear! God damnit.

Anyway, I gave the first a 4 and the second a 2, but I am going to go watch the alternate one all the way through and will probably up it to a 4 as well.


unfortunately constructive criticism is a lost art on this website. oh well, sure makes for some funny reviews, don't it?

One more point I want to bring up:

"the staff members that made the official collab? because if thats who you're talking about, they actually enjoyed the alternate collab, just read their reviews."

You then go on to say:

"the official is not an homage"

So what is it? Are the staff members in the right or the wrong? It says so right on the front page that the collab IS an homage. But you claim it's not, despite just saying the admins are correct?

To quote:


Until you get your facts straight, I'm not sure if I can take what else you say seriously.

hahaha boy you are just too much

from wikipedia:
"Homage is also similar to parody, except that parodies typically exaggerate characteristics of previous works for comedic effect."

and what the fuck are you talking about? "admins?" when did i say they were in the right or wrong? i just said they enjoyed the alternate collab, which is true.

I've watched Kenkaku slowly go around commenting on people's journals with a seemingly incorrigible whim of ignorance and stubbornness.

He doesn't get it, Zer0/F00d.
Just let him wallow in his filth.

lmfao i love his avitar

http://uimg.ngfiles.com/profile/1 291/1291728.gif

its f0d btw

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