Deadline: November 30th, Daily Day 4.
white bg
DT400 storyboard:
Page 1 - f0d
Page 2 - ramdonperson
Page 3 - roymasta
Page 4 - cooldrmoney
Page 5 - lauch
Page 6 - sinista
Page 7 - adam ant
Page 8 - g0nz0
Page 9 - psi43
Page 10 - jeb
Page 11 - redmongoose
Page 12 - threestar
Page 13 - athing
Page 14 - adam ant
Page 15 - f0d
The storyboard is just rough sketches, the final project will be more detailed.
Here are the character sketches, to give you an idea of what the finished characters will look like:
All of this material is just a guideline for how to animate your parts. You don't need to draw the characters with such high detail, that's just how they are going to look in my parts. Your characters should be based on those sketches, but they can be greatly simplified if you like.
If you'd like to animate a part, contact me either through PM or by replying to this news post. Make sure you specify which storyboard page you'd like to animate.
If you can't animate very well, we can still use help in other areas. We need voice acting for many of the characters, as well as black and white background art for the different locations (diner, office, alleyway, interrogation room, etc).
I look forward to getting started on this. Hope it generates some interest, I've put a lot of work into it already.